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US tourism elites praise Yongding Hakka earth building

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-10-30

The US representatives attending the eighth China-US Tourism Leadership Summit which was held in Xiamen, Fujian province, visited Yongding Hakka earth building on Oct 29 and spoke highly of a miracle of building history.

US tourism elites praise Yongding Hakka earth building

US representatives attending the eighth China-US Tourism Leadership Summit visit Yongding Hakka earth building and take a group photo on Oct 28. [Photo by Hu Meidong for China Daily]

“Yongding Hakka earth building is a unique style of architecture in mankind’s history, and worth visiting,” said Chris Thompson, president and CEO of Brand USA.

“Yongding is a place of great potential in tourism development. Tulou is such a treasure, and when I return home to the US, I will happily recommend people to visit here,” he said and also expressed his wish to visit Toulou in the future.

“The China-US Tourism Leadership Summit has been held 8 times and has made great accomplishments. I think the future is even brighter to achieve more collaboration,” he said.

“Yongding Hakka earth building is really amazing. I’ve never seen any architecture like it in the US, nor any other place in the world. It’s a miracle in history,” said Isabel, director of the office of the US department of the Commerce and Tourism travel service.

“I was attracted not only by the earth building, but also by Hakka people’s hospitality,” she said.

John Rhodes, mayor of Myrtle Beach exclaimed with great admiration the moment he stepped into the ZhenChenlou, known as the King of Yongding Hakka earth building, saying “I was really shocked by the world architecture miracle!”

“I’ll introduce the Hakka earth building to my countrymen to help more people know about it and about Hakka culture,” said Roger Dow, president of the US Travel Association.

The eighth China-US Tourism Leadership Summit, co-organized by the China National Tourism Administration (NTA) and Brand USA, was held in Xiamen, Fujian province Tuesday. The aim was to increase tourism cooperation and raise to 5 million the number of tourists between the two countries.

By Lu Ting from China Daily Fujian Bureau.


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