Imagine that! Virtual reality
What's the point? you may ask. Well, modeling Earth and stars will mean astronomical advances in science. On the other hand, we have a 2017 poll by Pew Research, showing that 72 percent of people are worried about losing their jobs to a robot.
"You have a small subset of people who have deep technical knowledge. They are going to take out businesses, they're going to take out jobs," says Udeme Ekong, doctor of Artificial Intelligence and CEO and co-founder of the content-driven social networking site Bloverse. "That will create a divide where you have people who have no purpose, no way of making a living and they are basically, given a stipend by government. So, I think in 50 years we will be in that state where the average individual spends 80 percent of his time in virtual reality."
Hard bending your mind around the changes happening all around us, right now and this is just the beginning.
"What it's gonna bring is mind-blowing, says Professor Tomas Laurenzo, assistant professor at the City University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on "Interaction Design + Human Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual Reality."
"Everything is about to change," Laurenzo says. "One of the things is this redundancy gap, in a big part, because of the liberation of attention-things that used to require-not intelligence but attention, like driving a car, they will not require that attention just liberating the attention is gonna change everything."
You almost get the picture of the Eloi-the innocents in the HG Wells sci-fi novel, The Time Machine-idle, lazy, ignorant and helpless. Can the idled innocents of the not too distant future be spared lives of idle stupidity?