Guangdong / Top News

New development concepts set to shape China's image

Updated: 2016-10-17 15:45

Guangdong's publicity director general has published an article detailing how the China's new development concepts will shape the future of the nation.

Shen Haixiong's piece, published in Outlook Weekly, China's first Xinhua-run weekly magazine, on Oct 17, details how innovation, coordination, green development, openness, and sharing are at the heart of the country's international development strategy.

First proposed at the fifth plenary session of the 18th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the new development concept will serve to deepen many existing reforms and shape China’s image throughout the world.

In his article entitled "The New Development of the Concept of Shaping China's Image", Shen said that the new concepts play an important role in the national image as well as highlighting the CPC's commitment to serving its people and improving the soft power of the newly-emerging nation.

Below is an excerpt from Shen's article.

Interpreting a new national image

The new development concepts show the country's image in key aspects.

Innovation shows that development in China has changed and that more and more people are eager to innovate.

Coordination reflects the balanced economic growth of the country across many industries.

Green development displays that the nation holds ecological civilization and reducing carbon emissions in a very high regard.

Openness shows China's willingness to take part in win-win cooperation on the international stage, as was shown at the recently held G20 Summit.

Sharing emphasizes social equity so that citizens can reap a common prosperity.

New development concepts play an important role in the construction of China's image. President Xi Jinping repeatedly stressed the comprehensive establishment of a well-off society, laying an important foundation in this task.

Showing the CPC's commitment to serving the people

The new development concepts have been put forward by the CPC based on its understanding of both domestic and international development trends, and its sense of commitment to serve the people in China. It shows the improvement of governing capacity and the self-imperfection of the CPC.

The new concepts demonstrate the President's opinion that the interests of the people should be given priority. Xi has said on many occasions "people are the creators of history" and "our goal is to give people the better life they long for".

The concepts also represent a change to the party's mode of governance, application of scientific ideas and rule of law, helping to shape the party's image as never being satisfied and never ceasing to improve in its work.

Improving China's soft power as a newly-emerging nation

The new development concepts also represent China's scheme for coping with the global dilemma of human development.

Responsibility is an important yardstick for measuring a country's international image. The new development concepts embody China's responsibility. For example, the implementation of Belt and Road Initiative fully demonstrates that openness not only focuses on China itself, but also contributes towards win-win cooperation and to provide other countries with opportunities for common development.

The recently held G20 Summit, which was guided by China's five concepts of development, was crowned a complete success. Its substantial achievements are the best illustration of what China's wisdom can contribute to the common development of the international community.

China's new development concepts have brought about a new opportunity and support for both China and the world. It will definitely bring benefits to the people of China and the world.

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