China / China

Liao Hui breaks weightlifting world records

(Xinhua) Updated: 2010-09-22 11:06

ANTALYA, Turkey - Liao Hui of China set two new world records by lifting 198kg in the clean and jerk and 358kg in total in the men's 69kg category at the world weightlifting championships here Tuesday.

Liao, 23-year-old 2009 world champion and Beijing Olympic gold winner, defended his title with a herculean hoist in the second jerk attempt amidst thunderous applauses and cheers.

The previous jerk record of 197kg was held by Liao's compatriot Zhang Guozheng, while the total record of 357kg was created by Galabin Boevski of Bulgaria in 1999.

In the clean and jerk, Liao led the match with a sound first attempt on 184kg, 7kg more than the second heaviest starting weight.He then stood up with an astonishing 198kg over his head to complete his feat before giving up the third attempt.

Liao said he had confidence in adding as much as 14kg in the second jerk attempt and was determined to break the world record.

"I felt I had enough strength to do that, so I dared to go all out and fight," he told reporters with a radiant smile after the match.

The second place in the jerk went to Kim Kum Sok of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, who struggled to success on 181kg and won over Armen Kazaryan of Russia due to bodyweight advantage.

Liao's triumph injected dramatic thrill to the night, which had been shadowed by previous bomb-outs by three contenders. Vencelas Dabaya Tientcheu of France missed all his six lifts and lost the total score. Morteza Rezaeian from Iran and Razvan Martin of Romania each had three no lifts in the clean and jerk.

Ninel Miculescu of Romania, 25-year-old European champion, took the silver with a total of 337kg. Turkey's 25-year-old Mete Binay, bronze winner in 2010 European Championships, took the third with 335kg.

In the snatch, tension rose when Liao, Binay and Miculescu all challenged 156kg in the snatch. Liao steadily lifted the barbell first, followed by Binay. Miculescu shouted in excitement when he conquered 156kg in his third attempt.

Liao and Binay then both succeeded to lift 160kg. However, both missed their final attempt on 166kg, failing to break the 165kg world record set by Bulgaria's Georgi Markov in 2000. Binay took the silver in snatch due to bodyweight advantage.

Liao said he could have broken the snatch world record, too. " It was a pity. I made a mistake. I know I have the power to do that," he said. "So I tried my best to make up in the clean and jerk, and I made it."

Liao's coach Yu Jie said he was excited by the victory and praised Liao's superb performance, noting that Liao could lift 167kg in the snatch and 200kg in the clean and jerk on practices.

"The total record in this category had stayed there for as long as a decade, so I'm very happy," he said.

Liao Hui breaks weightlifting world records

Liao Hui of China celebrates during the men's 69kg weightlifting competition at the World Weightlifting Championships in Antalya, southern Turkey, Sept 21, 2010. [Photo/Agencies]

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