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Tourism booms in Dandong during May Day holiday
By Zhao Qian ( chinadaily.com.cn )
Updated: 2012-05-07

During the May Day holiday, tourists received by key tourist areas in Dandong increased by 14 percent compared with the same period last year, with a year-on-year growth of 16 percent in tourism revenue. The tourist number and revenue both reached a new high for holidays and vacations of this kind.

Dandong strengthened its tourism promotion efforts for independent travel and self-driving travel. The city also, for the first time, issued an annual tourist card for local citizens to the Yalu River Hushan scenic spot and the Duanqiao scenic spot. Tourist enterprises put forward unique middle or short-route tourist products such as bird watching at wetlands, strawberry picking, and barbecuing by the seaside, attracting a large number of travelers.

Over 25,000 vehicles experienced the self-driving tour in Dandong during the May Day holiday, according to the Dandong division of Liaoning Highway Administration. Tourist attractions such as the Yalu River, the Anti-Japanese War Memorial, and the Phoenix Hill received tourists with double digital growth. The Yalu River scenic spot received a total of 511,000 tourists at home and abroad during the three days.

Due to the self-driving and independent tours, starred hotels and budget hotels in Dandong were full during the holiday, showing a 96 percent occupancy rate in starred hotels.

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