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Titles and honors

Updated: 2018-05-15

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Titles and honors

National Ecological City

National Sanitary City

National Garden City

National Water-efficient City

National Resident Environment Model

National Environmental Protection Model City

Longevity City of China

Home of Micro-Fiction of China

Excellent Tourist City of China

Happiest City in China

Most livelihood-caring City of China

City of Chinese Couplet Culture

Home to Best River and Sea Food of China

China's Supreme Honourable Accomplishment in People's Livelihood

County with Most Dynamic Private Economy in China's Yangtze River Delta

County (city) with Safe and Smooth Transport Conditions

National Demonstration City of Popular Science

Nationally Advanced City in Development of Science and Technology

Model City of Civil Administration

Model City of Villagers Self-government

Model City in Creating a Culturally-Advanced City

Model Collective of Social Security Administration

Demonstration Unit of Public and Democratic Management of Village Affairs

Model County (city) of Advanced Culture

Top 100 Counties (cities) of Comprehensive Development

Top 10 Economy Small and Medium Cities

Top 100 Counties (cities) of Comprehensive Strength of Small and Medium Cities

Model County (city, district) of Security Building

Pilot of Eco-civilization Building of China

Demonstration of Harmonious Community Building of China

Key Contact Grassroots Unit of Patent Protection

Model Unit of Martial Arts Building

Sino-Germany Business Cooperation Base

The First Direct Shipping Port City across the Taiwan Strait

County with the Best Investment Value in the Yangtze River Delta

2011 Forbes China List of Best County-Level Cities

Top 100 Counties (cities) of Well-off Society Building with Best Growth Potential

Model County (city) of Cultural Heritage Protection

Example County (city) of Urban-Rural Integration Building of China (Yangtze River)