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Kids crazy about foreign teacher in Taicang

( Chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-12-07

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Kids crazy about foreign teacher in Taicang

Marshae from the US works for a Taicang English training agency and is also a member of the supporting education team of the Taicang Voluntary Worker Federation. [Photo/WeChat account: taicangdaily]

A foreign teacher from the US taught students at a Taicang elementary school for International Volunteer Day, and all the kids adored her.

Marshae works for a local English training agency and is also a member of the supporting education team of the Taicang Voluntary Worker Federation.

She started teaching students at the local school last week and the kids are already crazy about her. She thus decided to give an English lesson to fourth graders once a week.

The children are the beneficiaries. Marshae plays games with them while teaching new words so that they can easily memorize them.

The students used to feel embarrassed to speak English in class or in front of other people, but under Marshae's guidance they now are brave enough to speak English loudly in class.

"I'm very fond of our new foreign teacher," Zhang Yun, one of the students said. "Her class is quite different from the one that our Chinese teachers gave us and I like the former all the better."

The 43-year-old teacher comes from an education family where her parents, sisters and many of her relatives are all teachers. She herself loves kids very much.

When she was in her home country, she often volunteered to teach students at local schools and also managed a non-profit organization which offered courses to parents, raised money for children's projects and trained teachers.

She believes her job is very important since children are the hopes of our future and she wants to introduce new knowledge in an interesting way that makes the vocabulary and grammar much easier to memorize.

Kids crazy about foreign teacher in Taicang

Marshae teaches students the English words for different body parts by touching the parts. [Photo/WeChat account: taicangdaily]

Kids crazy about foreign teacher in Taicang

A girl is invited to say a new English word with Marshae. [Photo/WeChat account: taicangdaily]