China Daily US Edition 21st Century HK edition China Daily PDF
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A Chinese-made J-10 fighter jet, with new markings, is prepared for flight as three J-10 fighter jets get airborne in formation during the China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, which opened on Tuesday in Zhuhai, Guangdong province.  Cui Meng / China Daily

Big jet takes off with 100 orders

ZHUHAI, Guangdong - China's challenger to Boeing and Airbus announced the first 100 orders for its single-aisle commercial aircraft from four Chinese airlines and two leasing companies, revving up global competition in the domestic aviation market, predicted to be worth more than $450 billion over the next two decades.

8 detained over massive high-rise fire

Rare earth's surging price


Busking in luck's glory

BEIJING - Until about a month ago, 44-year-old Wang Xu and 29-year-old Liu Gang were just two common migrant workers, who played music in the national capital's subways at night to make some extra cash.

Stronger fleet for fishery administration

IN BRIEF (Page 2)

Search for the missing

Flowers laid for blaze victims as city mourns

Chinese flock to US for further education

Inflation hits 2010 character poll voting

Price rises pressure families

Wuhan govt moves to reduce cost of funerals

Cmce Special

Global mining recovering, but still 'filled with uncertainties'

The global mining industry is recovering from the depths of the recent economic crisis, but a range of risks remain, Vice-Premier Li Keqiang said in an opening address to the China Mining Congress and Expo that began on Nov 16 in Tianjin municipality

Deeper cooperation with other countries' industries

Impact of Chinese markets on the rest of the world can not be ignored

China coal market gets international outlook

Datong Coal has big expansion ideas for its industrial chain

Strategic consolidation of resources benefits industry


Emerging strategic triangle

In the latest move to enhance trilateral cooperation in a variety of fields, foreign ministers from China, Russia and India opened a two-day meeting in Wuhan, capital of central Hubei province on Sunday.


Hegemony theory never fit for China

Fire lessons

Tax puzzle

UK welcomes more investment

Is US changing places with China?


From the chinese press


Terry's 26 pts lead Mavericks

DALLAS - Jason Terry, Jason Kidd and Dirk Nowitzki made pressure shots down the stretch to spoil the New Orleans Hornets' perfect start.

Vick sets new NFL mark

Score Board

Park shines but China rules

Coach a 'loser' despite victory

Overseas tennis training not necessary, coach says

IP Special

'Milestone' patent strategy unveiled

The nation's first 10-year patent strategy announced in Beijing on Nov 11 is "a milestone in the history of China's development", according to Gan Shaoning, vice-commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO).

Local governments see treasure in trademarks

Distillers toast recognition of geographic marks

IP Scene


Killer collection

China's sword culture is one aspect of its history that has received little attention from researchers but thanks to a private collector that is fast changing. Zhu Linyong reports

Its gelivable! The whole world's speaking Chinese

Taking the fizz out of energy drinks

Drug-resistant gut infections are on the rise in Europe

A healthy herbal way to unblock the bowels

IN BRIEF (Page 19)

Unsung heroes

Transported back in time by the Wall at Badaling
