Q+A | Wang Zhenghua
How do you spend your weekends amid your busy schedule?
I work, day and night, seven days a week. But I will also spend some time practicing taijiquan (a kind of traditional Chinese shadowboxing, also known as tai chi chuan)
What are your hobbies?
Practicing taijiquan. I think that this martial art can keep me healthy. This is also becoming a popular exercise among our employees. It effectively relaxes stiff muscles and nerves. Many white-collar workers suffer sore necks and back aches after sitting in front of a computer for a whole day. Practicing taijiquan helps relieve the pain. People who practice taijiquan for more than a year never feel the pain again.
Do you have a motto you strictly abide by?
Work hard, have foresight and frugality and feel grateful. It is also our company culture.
Which living person do you admire most?
I admire Bill Gates because he is a successful businessman.
I admire Herb Kelleher, co-founder and chairman of Southwest Airlines. He is like a mentor because he set up the business model of budget airlines which gave us much inspiration.
What is your favorite book?
The World Tourism Industry and Its Philosophy.
What is your biggest fear?
Negligence to safety. Because safety is the lifeline of every airline.
I hope that the next generation can maintain the current culture of Spring Airlines: Be frugal, grateful and respectful. Not only my two sons but also all my staff should obey the company rules. We get along with each other in a harmonious way.
I don't manage the company a lot now. It relies on the young generation. Our staff can write down their complaints on paper anonymously. Although there are many complaints, they will never give up. They complain because they like Spring Airlines and after complaining they will return to working hard again.
What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
I have established a travel agency and an airline company. I am still not satisfied with the size of either company. I want to do better for both of them.
Name places in China that impress you most and what was your favorite journey?
I have little time to travel. But I like nature that I can blend into. Among all my travel experiences, I liked Yellow Mountain and Changbai Mountain best.
In 1985, I went to Yellow Mountain. Fortunately, I saw a flammule - a small flame associated with Buddha - on the mountain. It always takes me a whole day to enjoy the beautiful sightseeing. Culture exists in nature.
In June 2012, I went to visit Heaven Lake in Changbai Mountain. It is hard to see all of the lake because the weather there changes every few hours. But I didn't give up. I think it is really magical.
What's the best way to break the ice with a Chinese businessman you've met for the first time?
I am not very good at dealing with people, especially for the first time, but my staff help me a lot.