Jinxi town to celebrate Buddhism and Confucianism culture


Updated: 2016-05-05

Around 100 Buddhist Masters will gather together at an invocation ceremony at Lianchi Temple in Kunshan's Jinxi town on May 8 to bless residents.

A grand ceremony will be held at Wenchang Pavilion Square on the same day to pay tribute to the late scholar and philosopher Confucius.

During the ceremony, 100 students will be in attendance to chant The Analects of Confucius and Liang Qichao's Shaonian Zhongguo Shuo ("China and Its Youth"). Liang Qichao (1873-1929) was a Chinese scholar, philosopher and reformist who argued that China should continue the tradition of Confucianism.

A statue of Confucius will also be unveiled on the day.

Jinxi town to celebrate Buddhism and Confucianism culture

Lianchi Temple in Jinxi town, Kunshan [Photo from WeChat account jinxiguzhen]



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