Kunshan Forest Park, the green lung for the city


Updated: 2014-08-29

Located northwest of Kunshan city in Jiangsu province, Kunshan Forest Park is a national wetland park covering an area of 166.26 hectares with an investment of 250 million yuan ($40.56 million).

In 2013, the forest park received a total of 1.8 million visitors. It has not only become a top attraction for locals on vacation, but has also lured many visitors from Shanghai, Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Built in 2001, the free forest park boasts rich and colorful forest tourism resources and is characterized by green forests, flying butterflies, fragrant flowers and flowing rivers.

The park is considered a green lung for the city, as its forest coverage is as high as 95 percent. There are over 1.2 million arbors as well as 60 varieties of wild animals here, including otters and zibets. Some 10,000 migratory birds winter at the park every year, which is a highlight of the park's winter scenery.

There is much more to see besides the forests and animals. The park also includes many spots for science popularization, such as the science corridor, exhibition greenhouse, science exhibition room and wetland ecological park. In addition, the park offers wetland eco-tourism attractions, including exhibitions of aquatic plants and animals and wetland purification activities. Visitors can also participate in the activities.


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