Kunshan city starts construction of 25 schools


Updated: 2013-08-02

This year, Kunshan has built 25 kindergartens, primary schools and middle schools, adding 12,000 academic degrees to its education offerings. A total of 13 of 25 school projects were completed, totaling 181,000 square meters.

In the first half of this year, mutual assistance activities seeking to improve education among schools were in full swing. The activities sought to narrow the education gap between schools and regions. These activities include teaching experience exchanges and set special funds for migrant worker's children.

Lujun,Mayor of Kunshan, emphasized that schools and educational sectors should further enhance education allocation, optimize teacher education level and promote education quality. He also stressed the importance of promoting educational equity and carrying out responsibilities. Many efforts still need to be made to facilitate better education and meet the needs of the people.

Other important Kunshan leaders, including Caoping, Li Xiuchang, Jinming and Jin Naibing, also attended the meeting.


Four special holiday dishes to try in Kunshan

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