Zhouzhuang's ancient "granny tea" custom

By Zhong Qiankun (chinadaily.com.cn)

Updated: 2012-08-10

Tea culture has a long history in Zhouzhuang and includes customs which are best translated as "telling tea stories", "wedding tea", "spring tea", "full moon tea" and most famously "granny tea."

A saying goes that you cannot leave Zhouzhuang without trying granny tea because the old custom represents the unique culture of Zhouzhuang.

As a folk custom, granny tea is a unique way of having tea. The host sends invitations several days before the tea gathering and prepares tea and food. When the big day comes, the host cleans the tea set and furnishes the tea tables and chairs to welcome the guests. After a short greeting, the host should make tea, serve candied fruits and peeled fruits. When making tea, the host should first wet the cup with a drop of "tea-made wine" and then fill the cup with tea; this indicates the sincerity of the host. Also, the guests have to drink at least three cups of tea before leaving as a show of etiquette. Granny tea nowadays has indeed become a tea party for the "grannies." Sitting at the tea table, they crack melon seeds, have granny tea and chat with each other, while they continue their needling work. Ladies in Zhouzhuang take turns hosting the tea party and their friendship lasts forever through the custom of granny tea.

In recent years, granny tea has become popular in Zhouzhuang again and is served in the Zhang House and Sanmao Tea House, named after the Taiwanese female writer Sanmao. Sanmao has been to Zhouzhuang once and left many of her works and stories here. Coincidentally, the homeowner is also a writer who corresponded with Sanmao, making the tea house a romantic place and more attractive to tourists.


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