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Project Financing

Updated: 2014-03-19

The CGGC-undertaken Heywa Hydropower Station has the largest installed capacity among hydropower stations in Myanmar, and its construction benefited from China's concessional loans.

Project Financing
Heywa Hydropower Station

In Ghana Kpong Water Supply Expansion Project undertaken by the CGGC 95% of funds were from preferential buyer's credit of China.

Project Financing
Ghana Kpong Water Supply Expansion Project

The CGGC-undertaken FAN hydropower station in Ethiopia is the first EPC project by Chinese enterprises in East Africa, and the construction fund of this project is from Chinese banks' credit.

Project Financing
FAN hydropower station in Ethiopia

The CGGC-undertaken Mollasadra Hydropower Station in Iran was co-funded by Chinese banks and a local foundation.

Project Financing
Mollasadra Hydropower Station in Iran



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