2014巴西世界杯 > 精选双语球评

赛事前瞻:巴西 VS 哥伦比亚


2014-07-04 14:22:54





What the local media say


"Millions of Colombians took part in spontaneous and euphoric celebrations after their national team - for the first time in soccer history - reached the quarter-finals of the World Cup.


"The celebrations broke out just before 5pm local time after the whistle blew for Colombia-Uruguay in which Los Cafeteros convincingly won a ticket to compete with Brazil, who earlier in the day beat Chile. Following the final whistle, tens of thousands of Colombians took to the streets and drove around waving flags and balloons, while blowing horns and spraying foam, amid blasting stereos." - TodayColombia.com


"Not by much, but Brazil’s World Cup dream remains alive. After a 1-1 draw against Chile following 120 minutes of grueling football, the hosts prevailed after a nerve-wracking penalty shootout. And the man to convert the winning penalty, ice cool under the glare of 170 million people? Neymar?


"While he saved Brazil’s bacon once again, a trend is beginning to emerge. Brazil, for all the talent they possess, are far too reliant on their No. 10. Chile are hardly a team packed to the rafters with superstars. Alexis Sánchez is their standout performer and, on paper at least, Brazil should have had too much for their South American neighbours." - Rio Times Online.

"内马尔再次挽力挽狂澜,拯救巴西,这已经成为一种趋势,巴西队友如此多天才球员,但他们太过依赖他们的10号。很难说智利队是个超级球星扎堆的球队,桑切斯(Alexis Sánchez)是他们最杰出的球星,但至少从阵容上看,巴西比他们南美的邻居要强太多了。"

Key battle: Marcelo vs Juan Cuadrado

关键对位: 马塞洛 VS 胡安·夸德拉多

James Rodriguez grabbed the headlines against Uruguay with his Hotshot Hamish-style volley (a shoo-in for Goal of the Tournament, surely), but it's attacking midfielder Cuadrado who makes this team tick. Combining pace and muscular strength with quick-footed trickery, he has bamboozled full-backs throughout the tournament, delivering 4 assists and 1 goal of his own.


Against Marcelo he could enjoy another field day. The Real Madrid left-back has looked defensively suspect all tournament, often being caught out of position; he has a worrying tendency to get on the wrong side of his man when tracking from a midfield area. If he doesn't buck his ideas up, Colombia could run Brazil ragged.


Facts and figures


The last 4 games between Brazil and Colombia have ended in draws, with 3 of those finishing goalless.

Colombia have failed to score in 9 of their last 12 games against Brazil.

James Rodriguez is looking to become the first player since Rivaldo in 2002 to score in the first 5 games of a World Cup.




FourFourTwo prediction


Colombia to sneak through, though this tie will go right to the wire. Penalty shootout!


(译者 阿呆爱小纯 编辑 齐磊)



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