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One Minute: Moonlighting university president, concerned monk and anti-terrorism law

By Liu Jing and Liu Wei (chinadaily.com.cn)

Updated: 2015-03-10 15:44:50

One Minute: Moonlighting university president, concerned monk and anti-terrorism law

Police officers patrol a public square near the Zhengzhou Railway Station in Henan province in January. [Photo by Xiang Minghao/China Daily]

Anti-terrorism bill up for third reading

The draft anti-terrorism law is up for a third reading and will be voted on "in due time" according to the top legislature's plan for 2015, said an official with the National People's Congress (NPC) Monday.

The bill has been through two readings in last October and February respectively, said Wang Aili, head of the criminal law division with the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee, at a press conference on the sidelines of the ongoing national legislative session.

"Normally, according to China's Legislation Law, a bill will be put to a vote after three readings," Wang said.

The bill is drafted to meet the needs of China's anti-terrorism efforts and new developments in the global situation, he said.