Heavy snow kills 17, cuts power in China

Updated: 2008-01-23 10:03

The snowy and icy weather was forecast to continue in the next few days. Local governments are still on high alert against more casualties from the snow-resulting accidents.

"All the homeless people and those in at-risk buildings have been evacuated and appropriately accommodated - either living at their relatives or staying at government-provided shelters," a Hubei provincial civil affairs official said.

Cotton-padded clothes, quilts and other relief materials were being arranged for affected areas.

In Wuhan, capital of Hubei, more than 1,000 street beggars were sent to special assistance stations for accommodation in case of deaths from coldness.

According to the China Meteorological Administration, the snowy weather would continue for the next 10 days in most parts of southern China, warning of further traffic disruption.

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