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Five Guizhou villages make national demonstration list for excellent rural industrial integration

( eguizhou.gov.cn )

Updated: 2019-07-09

Five villages in Southwest China's Guizhou province have been included in the second batch of a national list for development of demonstration parks focused on rural industrial integration, along with another 105 villages across China.

The five listed villages are dotted in Xiuwen county, Suiyang county, Jiangkou county, Longli county, and Xixiu district in Guizhou.

All of the listed demonstration parks are required to optimize their development plans to clarify their functional orientation and scope, innovate their integration models, improve their interests and benefits linkage mechanisms, prevent debt risks, as well as use land in a legal way, according to related authorities including the National Development and Reform Commission.

Authorities also encourage each demonstration park to develop while integrating local characteristics, serving as a replicable model for rural industrial integration.

It also required that related departments, such as finance and natural resources, strengthen the guidance and inspection on the development work, as well as that responsible people or departments be designated to improve the working efficiency.

All the localities should make use of all kinds of agriculture-related funds to support the construction of eligible while maintaining the requirements for fund usage and management. Financial support should be requested for qualified projects. Priorities will be given to enterprises applying for special enterprise bonds for integrated development.

By the end of March 2020, 100 demonstration parks will be selected by the national department of rural industrial integration for excellent work on their development.

Five Guizhou villages make national demonstration list for excellent rural industrial integration

Guichang kiwi fruit produced in Xiuwen county has a long and cylindrical shape with brown and fuzzy skin. [Photo/gog.cn]

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