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Guizhou accelerate modernized economic system construction

( eguizhou.gov.cn )

Updated: 2019-06-04

The Guizhou provincial government recently released opinions on the construction of a modernized economic system, which set development goals for 2022 in the aspects of innovation, coordination, green development, as well as opening up and sharing.

According to the opinions, Guizhou should see an observable improvement in the quality, efficiency, and motivation of economic development by 2022.

The economic development will be realized by improvements in quality and revenue, which is driven by industrial transformation and the clustering of emerging industries.

Resource allocation will be intensive and efficient, allowing Guizhou to cultivate companies that demonstrate strong competitiveness at home and abroad.

To follow the opinions, Guizhou has established work groups to build a modern economic system. According to an official of the Guizhou Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Guizhou strives to promote high-quality development, provide support to poverty alleviation efforts, and achieve goal of establishing a well-off society.

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