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Fujian switches engines to keep economy vital

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-12-21

Fujian's focus on transforming traditional industries and engaging new growth drivers has helped prolong the southern region's remarkable economic success story.

In 2016, Fujian's industrial added value reached 1,101.7 billion yuan ($165.3 billion), ranking 10th among all the provinces and regions in China, according to government statistics.

Another key factor in the success has been Fujian's support for scientific and technological innovation, which has become increasingly important as a source of development.

In 2016, the net output of high-tech industries in the province rose to 111.7 billion yuan, up 56.6 percent compared to 2012.

Xiamen, a port city on the province's southern coast, has been particularly successful in this area.

Over the past five years, the output of the city's high-tech industries has jumped to account for over 67 percent of the city's overall industrial output.

A total of 187 business incubators have been established across Xiamen to encourage the development of high-tech start-ups.

Electronics, machinery and petrochemicals have also gradually developed into three pillar industries in the province, contributing 36 percent of its overall industrial output.

Fujian has also been working on furthering the development of its services sector over the past five years.

Last year, the output of the region's services sector reached 1,224.2 billion yuan, an increase of 47 percent compared to 2012. Services now account for 42.9 percent of Fujian's GDP.

The provincial government plans to develop its three main service industries—tourism, logistics and finance—into another three pillar industries.

The province is also looking to spark a fresh wave of economic growth through its support for several large-scale industrial projects.

In Fuzhou, the provincial capital, two huge rectifying towers with the largest capacity for plastic raw materials in the world are currently under construction in Zhongjiang Petrochemical Industrial Park.

Once the towers are completed, it will herald a new era for China's petrochemicals industry, since the country will no longer have to import most of its high-quality industrial plastic products.

Another huge project in Fuzhou, a 30-billion-yuan production line for manufacturing Gen 8.5 TFT-LCD panels, came online in February this year.

The facility, owned by BOE Technology Group, is now churning out 120,000 glass substrate panels per month, and this is helping new companies in related industries spring up in the city.

With the support of the Fujian government, an industry cluster consisting of hundreds of companies in industries upstream and downstream from the LCD flat-panel displays field is taking shape in the region.



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