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3,200 Angus cattle imported through Xiamen FTZ

( whatsonxiamen )

Updated: 2015-08-20

Following a live trade agreement signed between China and Australia last month, 3,200 Australian Angus cattle entered China through the Haicang Free Trade Port in Xiamen on August 18.

The shipment of Angus cattle was shipped by Philippines-registered livestock carrier Shorthorn Express from the Australian port of Adelaide. The shipment reached Songyu Wharf in Xiamen’s Haicang District after 15 days on the sea.

Angus cattle mature earlier than other breeds and have a high dressing percentage of 60 percent. An 18-month-old Angus cattle typically weights 600 to 700 kg, 300 kg heavier than native Chinese breeds. The beef produced by Angus cattle can be marketed as superior due to its marbled appearance.

These cattle, which are all heifers, will be transported to Shenyang City in northern China after quarantine, and will be used to optimize local cattle breeds. 

Rising incomes have fuelled beef imports in China, especially under the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement. Furthermore, a cattle health protocol agreement was reached between China and Australia on July 20 this year, making Australia the first country to export feeder and slaughter cattle into China.

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