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Fuzhou publishes income benchmarks

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-10-21

The Fuzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Insurance Bureau released income benchmarks for 2014 on Oct 21.

The document offers advice on salaries in 16 industries and more than 450 work positions. Each of the jobs is categorized in three levels – high, middle and low – in accordance with enterprises with varied profitability.

The top three earners are chairmen of real estate corporations, information technology firms and those engaged in transportation, storage and mail businesses. The recommended annual income for a real estate boss is 980,000 yuan ($160,000).

Three jobs at the bottom of the list are all cleaners in different locations, with an annual income between 20,000 yuan to 30,000 yuan or so.

The income benchmarks, though not mandatory, should be valued by enterprises and used as an important reference in making wage standards, said the bureau.

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