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Ningde World Geopark Culture and Tourism Festival kicks off

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-09-30

With the theme of symphonies of landscape and pictures of landforms, the 4th Culture and Tourism Festival of the Ningde World Geopark, together with the 9th Culture and Tourism Festival of China Taimu Mountain, was held in Fuding, a city lying in the north-eastern part of Fujian .

Ningde World Geopark Culture and Tourism Festival kicks off

Wu Liguan, deputy director of Fujian Provincial Tourism Bureau makes an address in the ceremony. [Photo by Peng Juan from China Daily Fujian Bureau]

The three-day festival will carry out a Bicycle Open Tournament, Folk Custom Show, and many other activities displaying a unique charm of folk customs and geological wonders in both Ningde and Fuding.

At the opening ceremony, Wu Liguan, deputy director of Fujian’s Provincial Tourism Bureau indicated that Ningde is vital for the future development of Fujian tourism.

He hoped Ningde City Government would grasp the chance to further improve the tourism infrastructure and public services. Meanwhile, Ningde Tourism Bureau should make tourists feel the benefits, and be comfortable and safe through innovative tourism products, great promotion and strict market supervision.

The vice mayor of Ningde, Miao Shaowei, pointed out that the developing port city took advantage of its rich natural and cultural landscape resources and increasingly improved transport to promote the tourism brand of Ningde. The annual Culture and Tourism Festival of the Ningde World Geopark also enhances its popularity.

At the ceremony, he also warmly invited friends from both home and overseas to visit Ningde.

Located in the northeast of Ningde City and surrounded by the Taimu Range and Jiufeng Range, Ningde Geopark is made up of three parts – Taimu Mountain in Fuding City, Baishuiyang in Pingnan County and Baiyun Mountain in Fu’an City.

In October 2010, the geopark was formally listed on the website of UNESCO’s World Geopark and granted the title of Ningde World Geopark.

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