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Fujian expects to see windy National Day holidays

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-09-28

A typhoon will likely affect East China's Fujian province in the later stages of the National Day holidays, according to weather reports.

The National Meteorological Center forecast on Sept 28 that about one or two typhoons will be generated in the northwestern Pacific over the next few days and move towards South China.

The typhoon, though, has a slim chance of making landfall in Fujian, but will trigger strong winds in the ocean and coastal areas of the province, the center said.

The whole province will endure hot conditions over the next three days before a southbound cold front and typhoon start to make a cooling impact, with the highest in some areas reaching up to 36 degrees Celsius.

Entering the National Day holidays, which last from Oct 1 to 7, coastal areas in Fujian will see gales of up to force 10 (28 meters per second). Southern parts will witness showers. And the temperature in northern parts will go down a little bit, said the reports.

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