CHINA DAILY - Tuesday September 2,2008
TOKYO: Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda resigned yesterday in an effort to break a political deadlock, becoming the second leader to do so in less than a year.
Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda takes a break to think at a news conference he called at his residence in Tokyo to announce his resignation yesterday. Reuters
China Scene
Copper acts as guardian to executed man's daughter
On a routine stroll in her 11.2 hectares of cornfields one recent morning, farmer Cui Shulan heaved a sigh of relief. This year, she will get a bumper crop of corn.
Days after the end of the Beijing Olympics, contentions still remain high about what kind of effects the Games will have on the Chinese economy. In fact, a sports event, in whatever scale, cannot have as much influence on the economy of a country of China's size as people expect.
The sacred Olympic flame came on and then went out. In between miracles were made in the architecturally challenging and aesthetically astounding Bird's Nest, the myth-imbued Water Cubic and other tournament stadiums in Beijing and elsewhere.
Hurricane Gustav sent strong winds and lashing rains into New Orleans early yesterday, but the storm lost some of its power and was expected to move ashore to the west, sparing the city its full force.
Dossiers and archives may not sound very artistic but they seem to be finding favor with some of today's Chinese artists.