CHINA DAILY - Wednesday August 27,2008
BANGKOK: Thousands of anti-government demonstrators stormed into the Thai prime minister's office compound and rallied outside several ministries yesterday.
16 killed in Guangxi explosion
Rescuers carry an injured worker out of the damaged workshop of Guangxi Guangwei Chemical Co after an explosion killed 16 people and injured 57 and sparked a big fire. Six people are missing. About 11,500 people living around the plant were shifted to safer places after the explosion in Yizhou, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.  Wei Xuecheng
China Scene
Honesty is the policy for Beijing subway workers
A man surnamed Li lost and retrieved 3,000 yuan ($438) in cash on Sunday on the Beijing subway. The money, the amount of his daughter's school fees, was in a waist bag that he placed on the seat beside him. But he forgot it when he got off at the subway stop near his daughter's school.
Once bitten by a snake, a Chinese proverb says, a man will fear even a piece of rope for the next ten years.
Recently the Doha round of the World Trade Organization negotiations ended without any progress. Pessimistic observers believe this means globalization is doomed. From a macro point of view, however, it only signifies that the era when the United States and the European Union (EU) set the rules of international affairs is about to end. The rising tide of regionalization and linking up of markets worldwide reflect the reality that globalization has affected every fiber of the world economy, while the rise of emerging economies symbolizes that globalization has entered a new era.
It was a frightfully exciting ride on the bus this morning. Only two minutes into my journey there was an almighty screech, a swerve and a muffled, somewhat perplexed, murmur from the passengers. The bus abruptly pulled over and we stood looking, eyes agape, at each other for what seemed like a minute but was in fact about 10 seconds. Only when the conductor grabbed her money bag and headed out the door did we follow suit.
Defying the United States and Europe, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev announced yesterday he has signed a decree recognizing the independence of the breakaway Georgian territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
The central government has introduced a series of measures to provide the much-needed financing to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) facing unprecedented problems arising from surging energy and material costs and weakening overseas demand.
PORTSMOUTH, England: Darren Fletcher was the unlikely goal hero for the second match in a row as Manchester United got its Premier League title defense up and running with a 1-0 victory at Portsmouth on Monday.