Business / Retail

Walmart rewards green ideas with shelf space

[2010-08-30 15:16]

Wang Xuemei takes energy-saving so seriously she has invented a device that she hopes will become a commercial success.

China beats US in green shopping bags

[2009-12-01 08:11]

New York might consider itself the fashion capital of the world, yet it's surely not as fashionable as Shanghai or many other Chinese cities when it comes to shopping bags.

Domestic retailers still new at 'green' efforts

[2009-09-14 07:37]

International retailers are leading their domestic peers in environmental protection and energy-saving campaigns, a recent report by the CCFA stated.

Retailers adopt 'green' plans

[2009-05-11 07:59]

"Eco-friendly", "sustainable" and "low carbon dioxide" are not just buzz words for international enterprises like French retailer Carrefour. They are part of their most ambitious and concrete targets for the future.
