Updated : 2016-04-05




Judicial Interpretations

Supreme People’s Court Reply on the Calculation of the Time Limitation for Filing an Application for Arbitration of Personnel Disputes (3)

Supreme People’s Court Interpretation on Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in the Trial of the Criminal Cases of Fabricating and Deliberately Propagating False Terrorist Information (3)

Supreme People’s Court Supreme People’s Procuratorate Interpretation on Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in the Trial of the Criminal Cases of forcible Seizure (5)

Supreme People’s Court Rules on the Publication of Judgments on the Internet by the People’s Courts (6)

Supreme People’s Court Rules on the Application of Cross-examination Procedure in the Trial of State Compensation Cases by Compensation Committees of People’s Courts (8)

Supreme People’s Court Rules on Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in the Trial of the Cases of Dispute over Food and Drug (11)

Judicial Documents

Supreme People’s Court Supreme People’s Procuratorate Ministry of Public Security Ministry of Justice Notice on the Issue of Opinions on Punishing the Crimes of Sexual Abuse of Minorsin accordance with Law (13)

Supreme People’s Court Notice on the Issue of the Fifth Series of Guiding Cases (17)Supreme People’s Court Supreme People’s Procuratorate Ministry of Public Security Opinions on Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in Handling the Criminal Cases of Organizing and Leading Pyramid Selling (26)

Supreme People’s Court Ministry of Justice Notice on the Issue of Opinions on Strengthening the Legal Assistance for State Compensation (28)

Supreme People’s Court Publication of Typical Case of Fabricating False Information Crime (30)

Supreme People’s Court Publication of Typical Case of Intellectual Judicial Protection (31)

Selected Judgment

Case of Dispute over Enforcement Opposition by Petitioner for Enforcement: Hua Zhenming v.Sun Haitao and Jilin Xuanyu Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (38)

Model Case

Case of Smuggling Waste amd Ordinary Goods: Shanghai People’s Procuratorate 1st Brach v. Ying Zhimin and Lu Yi (45)