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Angel investors of the future attend Shanghai training course

Updated: 2018-06-06

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T-Lab, a six-day project aimed at training university students into angel investors, took place in Shanghai in May.

Amidst intense competition, thirty six elite students stood out of nearly 1,000 global entrants to win the chance of gaining access to the program.

The program, co-launched by leading Chinese venture capital (VC) institutions such as InnoAngel Fund, Qingsong Fund, and Mytech Venture Capital, combined lectures, team practices, entrepreneurship activities and fund-raising roadshows to give its students an introduction to the world of investment.

Partners from first-rated VC institutions were invited to give lectures and be teachers on the course.

Founders of the program said that students were able to gain valuable insights from the perspective of investors after taking part.

They also explained that they chose university students as its training targets because university is a hotbed of ideas and inspirations.

Liu Zhize, a student from the University of California, Berkeley and an attendee of this time's T-Lab, felt the training was outstanding and said that she has gained a good foundation of knowledge of angel investment through the program.

Since its launch last year, the program has drawn the attention of students from world-renowned universities such as Stanford, Berkeley, Tsinghua, Peking and Fudan. It is hoped that more excellent angel investors will be nurtured and innovation and entrepreneurship will be promoted through the program.
