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Nanxiang holds Yueju opera show

( ) 2016-02-04

Nanxiang holds Yueju opera show

Performers at a Yueju opera show in the Jiading district of Shanghai pose for a group photo, Jan 27. [Photo/]

An opera show given by a group of prestigious Yueju opera artists was held at Nanxiang town, Jiading district of Shanghai on Jan 27, local media reported.

The event was launched by the Shanghai Yueju Opera House and the Nanxiang Culture and Sports Center, with the idea of celebrating the upcoming Spring Festival and enriching local residents' cultural life.

Nanxiang holds Yueju opera show

Qian Huili, a famous Yueju opera artist and deputy head of the Shanghai Yueju Opera House, gives a performance at an opera show held in Nanxiang town, Jiading district of Shanghai, Jan 27. [Photo/]

Performers from the Shanghai Yueju Opera House presented excellent opera programs, attracting a large audience with a taste of this traditional Chinese art.

Local opera enthusiasts also showed their skills and brought the festive atmosphere to a climax.

The organizers said that they will have more such activities to showcase the charms of Chinese folk arts.






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