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Lesson Five

Updated : 2015-03-23

十六、 询问地址

Part sixteen: Address

190. 你现在住哪儿?= 汝即阵滞叨位?/Lí chit-chūn tòa tó-ūi? = Where did you live?

191. 我住在鼓浪屿。= 我滞伫鼓浪屿。/ Góa tòa-tī Kó•-lōng-sū. = I lived in Gulangyu.

192. 鼓浪屿?王先生不是也住那儿吗?= 鼓浪屿?王先嘛是滞伫遐,敢呣是咧?/ Kó•-lōng-sū? Ông–sian mā-sī tòa-tī hia, kám m̄-sī leh? = Gulangyu? Doesn’t Mr. Wang live there too?

193. 是的,他就住我隔壁。= 是啊,in滞阮隔壁。/ Sī ah, in tòa gún keh-piah. = Yes, he lived next door to me.

194. 你在那儿住多久了?= 汝伫遐滞偌久啊?/ Lí tī hia tòa lōa kú ah? = How long have you been there?

195. 才几个月。=拄几月日久耳。/ Tú kúi ge̍h-ji̍t niā. = Just a few months.

十七、 提问题

Part seven teen: Ask questions

196. 你去哪儿? = 汝卜(欲)去叨?/ Lí beh khì tó? = Where are you going?

197. 你们昨晚去哪儿吃的饭?= 恁昨暗去叨位食饭咧?/ Lín cha-àm khì tó-ūi chia̍h-pn̄g leh? = Where did you go for dinner yesterday?

198. 他什么时候来看你?= 伊治时来看汝?/ I tī-sî lâi khoàⁿ lí? = When did he come to see you?

199. 你什么时候买的车?= 汝车治时买的?/ Lí chhia tī-sî bóe ê? = When did you buy a car?


Part eighteen: Comparison of objects, measurement

204. 这座楼有多高?= 即栋楼有偌悬?/Chit tòng lâu ū lōa koâiⁿ? = How tall is the building?

205. 这个大象有多重?= 即只象有偌重? / Chit chiah chhiūⁿ ū lōa tāng? = How heavy is the elephant?

206. 这座桥有多宽?= 即座桥有偌阔?/ Chit chō kiô ū lōa khoah? = How wide is the bridge?

207. 这儿的冰有多厚?= 即搭的冰层有偌厚?/ Chit-tah ê peng-chân ū lōa kāu? = How thick is the ice here?

208. 他跑的和我一样快。= 伊佮我走平紧。/ I kah góa cháu pîⁿ-kín. = He runs as fast as me.

209. 他比我聪明。= 伊比我咔巧。/ I pí góa khah khiáu. = He is smarter than me.

210. 你每天看几小时电视?= 汝一日电视看几点钟?/ Lí chi̍t-ji̍t tiān-sī khoàⁿ kúi tiám-cheng? How long do you watch TV every day?

211. 你多久去游一次泳?=汝偌久去泅水泅一摆?/ Lí lōa kú khì siû-chúi siû chi̍t-pái? = How often do you go swimming?

十九、 关于购物

Part nineteen: Shopping

212. 你跟我去买东西吗?=汝卜(欲)佮来去买物件呣?/ Lí beh kah góa lâi-khì bóe mi̍h-kiāⁿ m̄? = Will you go shopping with me?

213. 我能试穿吗?= 我敢通试穿看māi咧?/ Góa kám thang chhì-chhēng khoàⁿ-māi leh? = Can I put it on?

214. 这件太小了,有大点的吗?= 即领伤细,有咔大领的无?/ Chit niá siuⁿ sòe, ū khah tōa-niá ê bô? = This one is too small, do you have a bigger one?

215. 有其他颜色吗?= 有别款色緻的无?/ Ū pa̍t-khoán sek-tī ê bô? = Have you any other colors?

216. 你穿几号?= 汝穿几号的?/ Lí chhēng kúi hō ê? = What’s your size?

217  太贵了。= 有够贵的。/ Ū-kàu kùi ê. = That’s too expensive.

218. 便宜点吧= 咔俗淡薄啊啦。/ Khah sio̍k tām-po̍h ah lah. = Can you offer a cheaper price?

219. 这个多少钱?= 这着几圆?/ Che to̍h kúi îⁿ? = How much is this one?

二十、 收音机和电视机

Part 20: Radio and TV

220. 现在你在看哪一台?=汝即阵看叨一台? / Lí chit-chūn khoàⁿ tó-chi̍t-tâi? = Which channel are you in?

221. 大声一点 =咔大声的./ khah tōa-siaⁿ ê. = Turn up the volume.

222. 我们的电视机坏了。= 咱电视歹去啊。/ Lán tiān-sī pháiⁿ–khì ah. = My TV is broken.

223. 小声一点。= 咔细声淡薄。/ Khah sòe-siaⁿ tām-po̍h. = Turn down the volume.

224. 干扰太大。= 干扰kah真厉害。/ Kan-jiáu kah chin lī-hāi. = The signal is bad.





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