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China Daily Website

  • Cheap motion-sensing devices to take over market

    2011-11-21 14:59

    A motion-sensing gaming device is the future in the video game industry and many Chinese companies have already targeted low-prices to strive for market share.

  • Interactive dressing mirror makes it easy for women

    2011-11-21 13:46

    Many women were attracted to a "magic mirror" displayed at the China Hi-Tech Fair. The intellectual system helps them try on clothes without the trouble of changing.

  • Driverless car catches the eye

    2011-11-18 10:38

    A driverless car on display at the 13th China Hi-Tech Fair has become one of the most popular subjects for visitors' cameras.

  • Internet of Things traces fish

    2011-11-17 10:53

    When visitors to the China Hi-Tech Fair point a terminal and a red fish in a fishbowl, a nearby screen displays detailed information of the fish, including the species, spawning place, weight, features and breeding record.

  • Supercomputer in full operation

    2011-11-17 10:33

    Supercomputer Dawn 6000, which performs 1.27 quadrillion (1.27 petaflops) calculations per second at peak speed, was in full operation at the National Supercomputing Center in Shenzhen yesterday.

  • Breeding, innovation institute founded

    2011-11-16 15:18

    Shenzhen Institute of Breeding and Innovation for the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS-SIBI) was founded in Shenzhen yesterday, with the aim of promoting the development of agricultural genetics.

  • Super computer to run next month

    2011-11-14 09:21

    China's super computer Nebulae will become fully operational in the National Supercomputing Center in Shenzhen next month, according to Dawning Information Industry Co.

  • China to up agricultural sci-tech investment

    2011-11-06 16:47

    China will set up a year-on-year growing investment system to facilitate the development of science and technology on agriculture,

  • China Mobile sets up firm for 3G tech

    2011-10-29 11:05

    China Mobile Limited (CML), the world's largest telecommunication firm by users, announced the incorporation of a new company to accelerate its development of 3G and smartphone technology.
