Myanmar cyclone death toll rise to 31,938

Updated: 2008-05-13 00:15

YANGON --  The death toll of Myanmar's cyclone disaster kept rising with  3,480 more people killed, bringing the total to 31,938, according to a news report of the state radio Monday evening.  

Altogether 29,770 people remained missing, down from 33,416, the report said adding that the number of injured went to 1,403.  A deadly tropical cyclone Nargis, which occurred over the Bay of Bengal, hit five divisions and states --  Yangon, Bago, Ayeyawaddy, Kayin and Mon on May 2 and 3, of which Ayeyawaddy and Yangon sustained the heaviest casualties and infrastructural damage.

Affected coastal towns in the southwestern Ayeyawaddy division include Haing Gyi Island, Pathein, Myaungmya, Laputta, Mawlamyinegyun, Kyaiklat, Phyarpon and Bogalay.

International humanitarian aid has been pouring in Myanmar since last week with aircrafts carrying various relief materials from different countries and organizations landing at the airport one after another for Myanmar's homeless cyclone survivors.

These international aid goods, along with those donated by different walks of life domestically, have been or are being successively transported by the Myanmar side to the disaster-hit Ayeyawaddy delta and Yangon regions as officially reported.

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