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Production and traffic resume in Tianjin Port

By Liu Yiyi (chinadaily.com.cn)

Updated: 2015-08-17

Some production of Tianjin Port Group was suspended and traffic was limited due to the blast on August 12. Both sides of the Group's main navigation channel have reopened and the vessels are able to sail in the port, as of 8:00am on August 13.

In addition, apart from the affected areas of the blast, work in the berths and warehouses in the port has resumed.

A total of 273 freighters and passenger vessels enter and exit Tianjin Port between 12:00 am of August 13 and 12:00 pm of August 16, including 143 inbound and 130 outbound vessels.

Moreover, the Tianjin International Cruise Home Port is operating as usual. More than 10,000 passengers exited and entered the country through the port from August 13 to 16.

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The Tianjin Port blockchain pilot project, an initiative using blockchain technology in cross-border trade, was launched April 17 in Tianjin.

This Day, That Year: June 24


In 1980, the Port of Kobe established friendly ties with the Port of Tianjin.

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