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CGGC Vice President Nie Kai visits Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari

Updated: 2010-11-12

Islamabad time Nov 8, CGGC Vice President Nie Kai visited Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari in his office.

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Export-Import Bank of China president inspects Tatay Hydropower Station

Updated: 2010-11-08

On Nov 5, Li Ruogu, president of the Export-Import Bank of China paid an inspection to CGGC construction site in Tatay Hydropower Station, Cambodia.

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The water tunnel No.1 in Nepal completes its upstream section

Updated: 2010-11-06

On Nov 1, the water tunnel No.1 in ChameliyaHydropower Station completed its upstream section, symbolizing a key progress of the project undertaken by CGGC.

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CGGC wins the bid for Tatay Hydropower Station in Cambodia

Updated: 2010-11-01

On Oct 25, CGGC won the bid for the client camp site project of Tatay Hydropower Station in Cambodia.

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Myanmar Shwegyin Hydropower Station successfully hoists the first rotor

Updated: 2010-10-31

On Oct 27, the first rotor was successfully hoisted in Shwegyin Hydropower Station, Myanmar. CGGC worked as the designer, supplier and installer of the whole set of mechanical and electrical equipment.

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Ceremony held for full operation of Shwegyin Hydropower Station in Myanmar

Updated: 2010-10-27

At 9 o'clock am, Oct 22, a ceremony was held on site to celebrate the combining to grid of the Shwegyin Hydropower Station in Myanmar which is contracted by CGGC

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Contracts conclude for Stung Russei Chrum Hydropower Station

Updated: 2010-10-25

On Oct 22, CGGC reached contracts valued $131 million with China Huadian Engineering Co (CHEC) in Beijing.

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Hollow-core slabs for Bamako No.3 Bridge undertaken by CGGC prefabricated

Updated: 2010-10-17

On Oct 13, the concreting for the last hollow-core slab was finished in the prefabrication plant on the north side of Bamako No.3 Bridge undertaken by CGGC.

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A high-level delegation of Ghanaian government visits CGGC

Updated: 2010-09-29

A delegation consisting of the senior advisor of Ghanaian President, Minister of Trade and Industry, Minister of Energy and other important political figures visited CGGC on Sep 26.

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Nie Kai receives Ethiopia Electric Power Corporation delegates

Updated: 2010-09-29

On Sep 25, Mr Mihret, general manager of Ethiopia Electric Power, led a delegation to visit CGGC and was warmly received by its Vice President Nie Kai.

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