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Huaqiao show care for elderly

Huaqiao show care for elderly
Huaqiao launches four daycare centers on Nov 8

After three-months of construction, daycare centers for Huaxi, Hua’an, Jishan and Xugongqiao communities started to serve Haoqiao elderly residents.

Huaqiao daycare centers launching ceremony was held on Nov 8. Zhang Damei, director of Kunshan Civil Affairs Bureau, attended.

There are 8,236 elderly who are over 60 years old in Huaqiao, accounting for 22 percent of the local population. According to international standards, Huaqiao has entered into an aging society. Daycare centers would provide family style services for lonely and empty nester elderly to help them enjoy their twilight years.

Edited by Tom McGregor, Zhang Xiaodan and Li Xiaoliang

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