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New public beneficial policies

The social security subsidies intended for the unemployed in 2009 have been distributed in Huaqiao Economic Development Zone.

In the last year, a total of 2011 unemployed people in the district have applied for and got "Jiangsu Provincial Unemployment Registration Certificate". As of now, nearly one million yuan has been handed out.

The social security subsidy for the unemployed is part of Kunshan city's program of “Maintaining Growth and Promoting Development, Guaranteeing Livelihood and Promoting Harmonies, Guaranteeing Construction and Making Improvement”.

In accordance with the instructions and arrangement made by the superior, Huaqiao Labor and Social Security Sub-Bureau spare no effort to gather information of eligible “3545”(Note: males between the age of 45 -60 and females between the age of 35-50) peasants who now no longer have lands, and then reported the information to the municipal labor bureau for approval. They have tried hard to avoid the mistakes and omission with the aim of helping the unemployed enjoy the beneficial policies.

By Charlie

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