Home > Guizhou Development
Grape expectations from Argentina      2012-09-03
One big challenge for Argentine winemakers is to find a reliable partner and establish distribution channels in China's complicated market.

Opening the gate      2012-08-24
Ding Xudong, an energetic and jaunty fi gure, believes China's inner regions will be the engines of growth of China's economy over the next generation.

The road to rebalancing      2012-08-24
A bank merely opening a new branch is not normally a signifi cant news event. However, this month's opening by the British bank Standard Chartered of a branch in Changsha has been much heralded in the media.

Expo aims to draw investors      2012-08-21
Guizhou province in Southwest China is counting on the 2012 China (Guizhou) International Alcoholic Beverage Expo to draw in even more outside investors after garnering 49.74 billion yuan ($7.8 billion) of investment in contract value at last year's event.

Local CPI tipped to ease further in 2nd half      2012-07-24
The city's inflation level further moderated in June this year as the local consumer price index (CPI) fell 0.6 percentage point due to food price decline and slowing down of the rental payment growth, according to the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) data released on Monday.

Moutai aims high for global reach      2012-03-11
Having built a reputation as China's top liquor brand, Moutai is now aiming to become a world-famous drink.

Guizhou to attract more investment      2012-03-08
Guizhou province will step up its efforts to open up to the outside world.

Guizhou province aims to attract more investment      2012-03-08
Southwest China's Guizhou province, which is relatively economically undeveloped, will step up its efforts to open up to the outside world, said a senior local official on Monday.

Guizhou to attract more investment      2012-03-08
According to Guizhou customs' statistics, the province's total imports and exports jumped to a record high of $4.9 billion in 2011, a year-on-year increase of 55 percent, a clear sign that "Guizhou is opening up even faster."

Moutai aims to be world's top liquor      2012-03-06
Moutai, a top-grade spirit in China, aims to be the No 1 distilled liquor brand in the world.

Ancient paper-making techniques still alive in Guizhou
Planes, trains & automobiles in Guizhou
Colorful Guizhou