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Guizhou to open southwest sea channels by 2020
By Li Wei and Li Yang ( chinadaily.com.cn )
Updated: 2013-02-01

Guizhou has completed waterway construction of the south and north part of Panjiang River and Hongshuihe River.

The total waterway spans 3,563 kilometers. The number of port berths totals 438, said the Guizhou Provincial Department of Communication and Transportation.

By 2020, in accordance with the approved Guizhou Water Transportation Development Plan (2012 – 2030), Guizhou will open five main waterways for water transportation and finish construction of high-grade waterways. The Yangtze River will also be connected to the Zhujiang River through waterways in the southwest.

The opening-up of waterways to the sea in the southwest will promote economic and social development of regions along the waterways and contribute to transforming resource advantages into economic advantages.

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