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Swelled sugar rice sweetens the Spring Festival in Du'an

By (chinadaily.com.cn)

Swelled sugar rice sweetens the Spring Festival in Du'an

Boil the brown sugar until it turns into a syrup, then add the swelled rice and stir-fry until done. [Photo by Gao Dongfeng/xinhuanet.com.cn]

Swelled sugar rice sweetens the Spring Festival in Du'an

Sprinkle the white sesame over a framed wooden chopping board, then pour the rice in and smooth the top. [Photo by Gao Dongfeng/xinhuanet.com.cn]

Swelled sugar rice sweetens the Spring Festival in Du'an

When the rice cools down, cut it into cubes and enjoy. [Photo by Gao Dongfeng/xinhuanet.com.cn]



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