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Major natural wonders in Hehci II

By (chinadaily.com.cn)

Hechi, located in northwestern Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, is on the south end of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, circumscribed by mountain ranges including the Jiuwangda Mountains in the north, the Phoenix Mountains in the northwest, the Fengling Mountain in the east and the Duyang Mountains in the west.

With naturally advantaged geographic conditions, Hechi boasts rich natural resources that have evolved into popular tourist attractions such as the Qibainong National Geological Park and the Crystal Palace, as well as other spots that have been selected as the top natural wonders in Hechi.

Hanlai Spring in Du'an Yao autonomous county

Hanlai spring, situated in Nongchi village, Du'an Yao autonomous region, is famous for its peculiar characteristic—a spring that flows when people shout at it.

According to local residents, the spring will flow when people approach the spring vent and shout "Water come out!" The louder people shout, the more water comes out.

Major natural wonders in Hehci II

Local residents come to experience the amazing Hanlai Spring in Nongchi. [Photo/hcwang.cn]

1,000-year old Chinese yew in Tian'e county

Chinese yew, also called taxus celebica, is a large, ornamental evergreen tree that usually grows at elevations up to 900 meters.

A yew in the mountains of Tian'e county, was identified by tree experts with an age of over 1,000 years, which is very rare and very precious. There are more than 500 yews populating the neighboring region, comprising a unique scenery.

Major natural wonders in Hehci II

Two adult men can't make their hands meet around the 1,000-year-old tree. [Photo/Hechi Daily]

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Hechi is located in the northwestern part of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region and the southern foothills of the Yungui Plateau.