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Crowd funding to build innovation and start-up business in Zhongguancun
( chinadaily.com.cn )
Updated: 2016-05-09

"Therefore, what we need to do is upgrade and renovate and turn Zhongguancun street into an open community for innovation and start-up business.” This year the company will devote 500-million-yuan to upgrading and renovation, 5-billion-yuan to logistics acquisition, and 3-billion-yuan to investment and further acquisition.

There are many individual business owners and spaces on the street at the moment. The street management company will try to turn all business owners into crowd funders and jointly develop the area.

At the moment, the company is talking with every business owner and encouraging them to join the street renovation and upgrading. Such cooperation supports transformation of existing companies and buildings and increases space for scientific innovation on the street. A total of 22 scientific research institutes and State-owned businesses, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Sinosteel have signed agreements with the street management company. They will push for resource sharing and support implementation of new technologies in Zhongguancun before other areas.

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The street will optimize functions and environmental facilities at six locations, including Peking University's east gate and Tsinghua University's west gate, where services for innovation and start-up business will gather. The street will also go beyond the 7.2-kilometer radius and turn itself into a broader open innovation and start-up business community.

The company's official said that Zhongguancun street will not just be a pure headquarters base. "In future, global scientific enterprise will not merely set up their headquarters here but also play a role in upgrading industry. We hope every leading enterprise can use some space for innovation and start-up business exchanges and incubation.”

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