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Zhongguancun Haidian Science Park develops globalization
By Liu Yiyi ( chinadaily.com.cn )
Updated: 2015-04-28

Technology transformation professionals from the US, Germany, and Italy gathered at the Science Park Globalization and Cooperation Forum, hosted by the Administrative Committee of Zhongguancun Haidian Science Park.

The political, technology, and business circles together discussed further development and cooperation among science parks.

Zhang Zhihong, director of the Torch High Technology Industry Development Center of Ministry of Science and Technology; Ding Xin, assistant to director of the Haidian District; Vincenzo Lipardi, CEO of the IDIS the Science City of Italy; Allen Furst, senior strategy officer and global consultant of IDG; Tan Yan, chief representative of Germany's technology transformation company Steinbeis's China area delivered keynote speeches on innovative development, communication, and cooperation.

During a panel discussion, industry leaders from Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Spain discussed the development of science parks, the influence of global service platforms', and the integrated development in the background of globalization.

The Haidian Science Park has implemented a globalized development strategy and explored the globalization paths in different periods.

The park enacted the first policy to improve globalization among innovative and high technology parks nation wide, established the first global service platform supporting technological globalization, and promoting the brand of Haidian Science Park by cooperating with domestic and international media.

In order to establish a technological innovative center with global influence and improve the technological resources of the core areas, the Haidian Science Park has actively promoted the globalization of technology and innovation.

The Haidian Science Park published a three-year globalization plan for Beijing's functional and regional innovative development.

The park would take advantage of governments, corporations, and social institutions to establish and promote entrepreneurship incubation, information service, third party services, and brand promotion.

In addition, the park will keep up with technological development, gather talent, and optimize the globalization environment. The park would make every effort to improve globalization in core areas and accelerate the establishment of the global innovative network.

The Haidian Science Park has attracted a large number of high-ended global corporations and professionals. More than 40 Global 500 enterprises and famous global corporations, including Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, AMD, Symantec, and France Telecom have set branch institutions and research centers in the park.

More global talents are bringing capital and technology to the Haidian Science Park. The foreign entrepreneurship investment brought takes up nearly half of the national total. More than 6,000 businesses in the park are launched by returnees.

The Haidian Science Park has accelerated global technology transformation. By the end of 2014, the park became home to nearly 120 domestic and international technology institutions, including global institutions such as the Sino-Italian Technology Transformation Center, and the Asia Industry Technology and Innovation Association.

The park has explored more than 1,000 global channels in European Union (EU), the US, and Korea, and connected with institutions such as Peking University, Beihang University, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It has organized 150 high-end technological conferences and industrial conferences and trainings, provided services to more than 2,000 businesses, and completed nearly 200 global technology transformation projects.

The corporations' competence has been strengthened. The Haidian Science Park has enacted a series of international standards and promoted them to the global market.

Until the end of 2013, leading mobile internet corporation such as the China Datang Telecommunication Corporation, the IGIS Corporation, and the Vimicro Corporation have enacted nearly 70 international standards and 600 national standards.

Cooperation with global industry has been enhanced. More than 40 businesses of the Zhongguancun Internet cover the entire industrial chain. With members all around the whole industry, the Global Semiconductor Lighting Association is the first strategic and innovative industrial association headquartered in China.

A group of high tech businesses has been listed at the NASDAQ and New York Stock Exchange. The number of corporations in Haidian Science Park listed outside the country has reached 63, more than 60 percent of the figure for the entire Zhongguancun Science Park and 20 percent of the number for the entire country.

In addition, many rapidly growing start-ups have received sponsorship from angel investment institutions, such as the IDG and WestSummit Capital.

The number of equity investment institutions in the park is over 800, managing more than 220 billion yuan ($35.4 billion) of capital.

Nearly 360 corporations received more than 40 billion yuan ($6.4 billion) of capital in 2014, which ranked the first among prefecture-level cities nation wide.

Corporations have accelerated their pace to expand global market. Many corporations set up research centers and branch offices around the world. Not only industrial leaders such as Lenovo, Baidu, and Yonyou, but also young businesses such as the StarTimes, Glodon, and the NewWest have started to operate globally.

Many growing businesses and leaders in segmented markets have also started to plan globally and enact strategic blueprints.

Entrepreneurship incubation has had closer cooperation, with a more innovative atmosphere in the Haidian Science Park after the launch of Microsoft Cloud Accelerator, the incubator by Tsinghua University Science Park (TusPark), and the incubator by Tith Holdings as well as the globalized operation of local incubators.

The Haidian Science Park and the Tith Holdings together launched the Zhongguancun Entrepreneurship Street. After a year's development, the street is a famous place for entrepreneurship.