LIFE> Health
Shocking images deter cigarette smokers: WHO
Updated: 2009-05-31 10:01

Tobacco is the world's leading preventable cause of death, killing more than 5 million people a year, the WHO says,

Around 80 percent of smokers live in developing countries, where smoking rates have risen sharply in recent years alongside a ramping-up of tobacco marketing and production in poorer states, Bettcher said.

In addition to package warnings, the WHO supports bans on tobacco marketing and sponsorship, prohibitions of smoking in public buildings, and high taxes on tobacco products.

The recent emergence of designer cigarette pack-holders and other accessories to cover up health warnings showed the warnings were having an impact, Rob Cunningham of the Canadian Cancer Society said.

"That is a good indication, because smokers are noticing enough that they feel that they must not look at them," Cunningham said.

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