LIFE> Astrology
Select an animal to read your daily horoscope for August 20

Updated: 2008-06-20 08:35

Daily Overview form August 20, 2008


Great progress in your career should be possible today. You may receive a promotion or additional job responsibilities. Or, you may be asked to help promote the business. Whatever the task, your performance should be outstanding. Your financial picture seems to be rosy at this time, but try to avoid any risky investments in the near future.


It's probably best to maintain a low profile at work and don't challenge authority or quarrel with co-workers that you manage. Any successes at work will likely be short lived and progress should be slow. A friend may betray your confidences, so stay tight-lipped and avoid the consumption of alcohol today. Find comfort in your happy domestic situation and home life. 



If you've been contemplating opening up a new business or enterprise, today will likely be a perfect one to put your plans in motion. Your sign comes under the Dragon influence today, which favors thinking big and taking risks. The element of Water will also influence you, promoting growth and expansion.



Caution and calm are tthe focus of today. Stick to the familiar at work and don't stray from your usual routine. Watch your health, as you'll be susceptible to minor aches and pains. Once the work day is done, go out on the town for a very relaxing evening with friends.


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