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You, me and Dupree《同居三人行》精讲之五
[ 2008-09-26 17:26 ]



文化面面观  Michael Douglas 迈克尔•道格拉斯

考考你 一展身手


Carl: Hey, guys.

Molly: There's a plate for you in the oven.

Carl: Okay, look, I'm sorry I'm a little late. I gothung up at work.

Dupree: Would it have killed you to make a phone call?

Molly: No, Randolph, Randolph, wait!

Dupree: I'm sorry, Molly, but, damn it, Carl, you reallypress my buttons sometimes!

Carl: Is he kidding?

Molly: No. Now you've upset Randolph.

Carl: Randolph? Randolph? You got to be kidding me. I know a Randy Dupree. I do not know a Randolph.

Molly: Did it ever occur to you that maybe he prefers to be called Randolph?

Carl: No, Molly, it never occurred to me. You know, the guy writes some bullshit poetry and suddenly he's got a brand-new name.

Molly: That's funny. Turns out that's not the only thing he writes. Apparently, he is a whiz at thank-you notes!

Carl: He told you about that?

Molly: It just kind of slipped out.

Carl: Oh, I bet it just kind of slipped out. Guy stabs his best friend in the back. He's getting drunk with his wife.

Molly: What can I say, Carl? I'm kind of fun to get drunk with. Maybe you should try it sometime, because I'm here every night!

Carl: Molly, I'd be delighted to try it sometime, but unlike your friend, Dupree, I've got a job! And what was with the groomsman shirt? That was a one-time deal, Molly.

Molly: He was trying to look nice for you. And why are you coming down on Dupree? He's the one who went through all this effort to cook low carb for you. You didn't even bother to show up.

Carl: Low carb? What the hell does that mean?

Molly: You know, he's on the whole health kick with the bicycling and Lance Armstrong. So he's just trying to help you out.

Carl: He's trying to help me out? That's a laugh, Molly. I'm the one who put a goddamn roof over his head!


1. hung up

Hung up 这里是作为一个形容词短语来用的,意思是“delayed,hindered延误的;受阻碍的”, Carl 这里的意思就是说“他被工作绊住了”。

Motorists are hung up in traffic. 摩托车手们被交通堵塞耽搁。

2. press one’s buttons

这个片语的意思是“惹某人生气”,比如:Why you always press my buttons? 为什么你总是让我生气?

3. occur to

这个片语的意思是“come to mind 想到,想过”,比如:It never occurred to me that he might refuse. 我从来没想过他会拒绝。

4. whiz

Whiz 这个词在口语中可以表示“专家,奇才”,比如:a whiz at all sorts of games 各种游戏的能手


文化面面观  Michael Douglas 迈克尔•道格拉斯

考考你 一展身手

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