CHINA DAILY - Wednesday December 17,2008
China is all set to send a naval fleet on a mission to fight pirates in Somali waters, a military source told China Daily yesterday.
Chu choice
US president-elect Barack Obama looks on as Steven Chu, director of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and a Nobel physics laureate, speaks after being introduced as nominee for energy secretary during a news conference in Chicago on Monday (yesterday morning, Beijing time).   AFP
Agricultural agencies have culled 377,000 fowls in two counties in eastern Jiangsu province during the past two days after some of them tested positive for bird flu virus, the Ministry of Agriculture said yesterday.
China Scene
Changsha's biggest loser sharing secrets online
Only three decades ago, weather forecasts in China were considered virtually a state secret. Twenty years ago, reporters were permitted nothing more than carefully guided visits and stilted interviews. Now, getting timely information is becoming relatively easier.
Recently productivity in the United States rose more than forecast, while labor costs increased less than anticipated. Usually, that is a good sign. But these are no ordinary times. More than 1.5 million jobs have already been lost this year, and there is worse to come.
Special Supplement
Nan Haiyan, born in Pingyuan county, Shandong province in 1962, is a top Chinese painter specializing in depicting the human figure.
Troubled Chinese electrical retailer Gome may offload part of its stake to outside investors to shore up its cash flow and counter the retail market slowdown, according to analysts.
The Bush administration could act as early as today to approve an automaker bailout from its bank rescue fund, with conditions likely to reflect at least those approved by the US House of Representatives last week, key lawmakers and other sources said on Monday (local time).
Nine-year-old Xing Yuhui squats on the ground and folds a paper frog. Around him, several playmates watch attentively as he makes the "frog" jump. Not far away, Zhang Chensheng observes the group playing in a lane in Beimafang village in suburban Beijing.
Special Supplement
November was a busy month for Suzhou International Expo Center as it hosted three important international medical events and attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors.