CHINA DAILY - Wednesday December 10,2008
The government yesterday asked airlines to suspend purchase of new planes from foreign manufacturers in order to cut operation costs and maintain a balance between demand and supply.
Jet crash kills 3
A US military F/A-18D jet goes up in flames after crashing in San Diego, California, on Monday. Three people on the ground were killed and two homes destroyed in the crash. The pilot parachuted out of the plane before the crash.  Reuters
China Scene
University graduate quits three jobs to stay in bed
He faced classrooms full of villagers' children, getting a monthly allowance of 600 yuan ($87) as a volunteer teacher in a rural school in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region.
Special Supplement
The rapid development of the Dongying Economic Development Zone is now promoting Dongying, a city in the central Yellow River Delta, into one of the economic powerhouses of east China's Shandong province.
To ensure a steady growth of the economy in the context of the global financial tsunami, the central government has chosen to resort to a proactive macroeconomic policy. Earlier, the world's fourth largest economy had adopted a prudent fiscal tool to prevent its sizzling economic growth from overheating and to contain plaguing inflation.
Editor's note: This year marks the 60th anniversary of the publication of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is also the year of the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. To mark both occasions, Wang Chen, minister of the State Council Information Office, gave an exclusive interview to the Human Rights journal, in which he gave a positive appraisal of the position and role of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, expounded China's basic views on human rights and achievements in human rights development. He also visualized the prospects of human rights development in China and the world as a whole. The full text of the interview follows:
Special Supplement
The Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region continues to expand its opening-up and international cooperation to accelerate development of the Beibu Bay economic zone designed to benefit both East and Southeast Asia.
Zhang Yu, owner of a consignment store for luxury goods, hopes business stays as strong as it has been in the past two months amid the global economic downturn.
Special Supplement
After beginning a campaign to improve the environment and enhance the wellbeing of its residents in 2005, Haikou today ranks among the most livable cities in the nation, according to local government.