
By  Gong Yueqi   Aug 21, 2024
Cameroonian scholar: China brings us bridges, roads and real help  VIDEO
"Some Westerners have said that China has dug a 'debt trap' for Africa, and so on. These are all prejudices," said Nkolo Foe, Professor of the University of Yaounde 1, the Republic of Cameroon, at the 6th Forum on China-Africa Media Cooperation & China-Africa Think Tank High-Level Dialogue on August 21. He also stated that when Western countries tried to teach African countries some "lessons", China brought them bridges, roads and real help. #FOCAC
Aug 21, 2024
CIYEC unveils IP for International Youth Pop Culture Season  VIDEO
On Aug 12, the Global Civilization Initiative International Youth Talk was held in Beijing. During the event, witnessed by nearly 200 youth representatives from over 120 countries, the China International Youth Exchange Center has unveiled the IP for the International Youth Pop Culture Season.
Aug 21, 2024
Descendants of war volunteers meet at volleyball game  VIDEO
In 1939, about 3,200 young drivers and mechanics living in Southeast Asia abandoned their comfortable and peaceful lives to bolster the rear bases of China's forces in the war against Japanese aggression. Thanks to their efforts, the fires of war were replaced by the relative peace and prosperity of our times.
Aug 20, 2024
Foreign representatives experience Pudong airport's service station  VIDEO
On August 15, the Foreign Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipal People's Government invited representatives of foreign nationals to experience the one-stop service station for international travelers at Terminal 2 at Pudong International Airport. Click the video to see the experience of the representatives.
By  Zheng Zheng   Aug 19, 2024
A showcase of integrated musical experience in Shanghai  VIDEO
The inaugural Rockbund Ensemble music week, jointly initiated by the Rockbund Art Museum in Shanghai and the modern music brand MOIN, presented a series of inclusive, diverse, and avant-garde music experiences. The music gala featured three main events, which are the MOIN Stage, Beat Exchange, and Pop-up Live.
Aug 17, 2024
Harvey Dzodin: China leading the way in green development  VIDEO
Harvey Dzodin, Deputy Chairman of HCD Earthcare Culture Association, said China is leading the way in terms of green development and the US has fallen behind.
Aug 17, 2024
Christchurch delegation visits Gansu  VIDEO
On August 16th, Mayor Phil Mauger of Christchurch, New Zealand, praised the friendship between the two countries at the opening ceremony of the Photo Exhibition of the 40th Anniversary of Gansu-Christchurch Sister City Relationship and hoped that the friendly relations between Gansu and Christchurch would reach a new level.
By  Yan Dongjie   Aug 15, 2024
8 common kestrels released back to the wild in Beijing  VIDEO
On the occasion of the second National Ecology Day, eight common kestrels rescued this summer were released back into the wild at Beijing Nanyuan Forest Wetland Park on Thursday.
Aug 15, 2024
Erlitou site: A splendid culture from ancient China  VIDEO
Located in Luoyang city, Henan province, the Erlitou relics site can be dated back over 3,000 years. The large relics site, which served as the capital city for the middle and late periods of the Xia Dynasty (around 2070 BC-1600 BC), China's earliest known dynasty ever known, is of great reference value for studying the origin of Chinese civilization. What’s the most distinctive feature of Erlitou culture? How many such relics are there in Luoyang? Click the video to find out more.
Aug 15, 2024
China a global leader in environmental protection  VIDEO
August 15 marks China's second National Ecology Day. In a recent interview with China Daily, John Baker, president and chief program officer of WildAid, an environmental group, said China has seen a lot of progress in wild animal protection and ecosystem preservation in the past few years. "I'm impressed to see how much of a priority (China has attached) to the concept of sustainable development," Baker said.
Aug 14, 2024
Monkeys can give Olympians a run for their money  VIDEO
Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys are among the most representative species in Yunnan province. With nearly 40 years of conservation efforts, the population of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys in the province has increased to 3,300. What if these agile creatures were to participate in the Olympics? Which events would they be good in? Click on the video to find out!
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