CPC history in pictures (3): Agrarian Revolutionary War (1927-1937)

(CPC Encyclopedia)
Updated: 2011-08-09 10:54

CPC history in pictures (3): Agrarian Revolutionary War (1927-1937)

In March 1932, the China Reconstruction Society was established in Nanjing. It was a secret clique in the Kuomintang (KMT). Under the direction of Chiang Kai-shek it sought to lead the KMT and China by following the ideology of a dictatorship and was a secret police or para-military force. [Photo/Exhibition Road to Rejuvenation at the National Museum of China]

CPC history in pictures (3): Agrarian Revolutionary War (1927-1937)

The Japan-Manchukuo Protocol was signed in Changchun on September 15, 1932, between Japan and the state of Manchukuo. Japan obtained all rights to northeastern China. [Photo/Exhibition Road to Rejuvenation at the National Museum of China]